Deconstructing Lego is a blog that analyzes Lego sets under a variety of lenses, sometimes comparing similar sets from different years or creating a story based around a set or analyzing the implicit message that a set creates.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Avengers: No love for PoC?

LEGO has decided to venture into the realm of comic book licenses once again (despite the failure of Spiderman and Batman sets from several years ago) by tying the sets more directly to movies.  A pretty smart move.

One thing that excited me about this is that, in the past, LEGO has caught some flack because the majority (excluding Mace Windu and Lando) of PoC in the licensed sets have been villains.  And this is not necessarily the fault of LEGO, but rather the licenses that they have produced sets for.  Regardless, the Avengers poster made it obvious that this would be a great opportunity for LEGO to create not only a strong Black figure, but also a strong female figure.

I'm talking about Nick Fury and Maria Hill, of course.  LEGO even made their own version of this now iconic poster, seen below:

How awesome!  Except that EVERY SET HAS JUST WHITE DUDES.  There are currently five Avengers sets that feature Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Hulk (yes, he is green, but Dr. Banner is a White dude), Hawkeye, Loki, Loki Henchmen (IDK what they are...robots?), Deadpool, Wolverine (who is an Avenger...not sure why he wasn't in the movie), and Magneto.

So, the issue I have is that LEGO had this great opportunity to incorporate a positive Black character and a strong female character into their sets, two major characters, but decided not to for whatever reason.  I am guessing that they will in future sets, assuming that The Avengers gets another wave of sets.  I am disappointed, but we will just have to wait and see.

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